Constant Challenges with Innovations​​

Strengthening capabilities ​
for sustainable growth​

Introduce Innovative ​LNG powered Car Carriers​

Multipurpose carriers which load cars, construction equipment, agricultural machinery, trucks and break bulk freight

  • Professional Ship Operation Capability

    When manufacturing inner decks with thin steel plate by skilled welding technique, operating lamps and handling car freight, proficiency is required

  • Strengthen Basis for Future Growth

    Consistently expand the market share in the PCTC sector by introducing specialized LNG dual-fuel car carriers

H-LINE Shipping is strengthening the basis for future growth by diversifying a business portfolio and building a close cooperative relationship with super major shippers through the introduction of innovative car carriers based on the latest LNG dual-fuel technology

The marine transportation of automobiles has consistently grown according to the globalization of the automobile production and car carriers have evolved into multipurpose carriers which load cars, construction equipment, agricultural machinery, trucks and break bulk freight to expand areas where they are applied. ​

Construct car carrier needs a specialized shipbuilding capability. The inner deck should be used with thin steel plate based on skillful welding technique and compatibility for accommodating various types of freight. To maximize loading capability, a high degree of proficiency is required for the operation of lamps, cranes on the deck, the ventilation system, etc. and the handling of car freight.

H-LINE Shipping will continue to expand our market share in the shipping market of finished vehicles by introducing our own specialized LNG fueled ship operation experience on car carriers while achieving the optimal operational efficiency based on the successful experience of entering the car carrier market through the establishment of strategic partnership with super major shippers and accumulating differentiated competitiveness by applying a ship management technique with leading experts.​

Car Carriers at a Glance

In Service


Operating Ship

Under Construction​


Ship to be Introduced​