
We introduce the journey of H-LINE with hope.

2014 ~ Current

  • 2024

    0710th Anniversary of H-Line Shipping

  • 2023

    05A Long-Term Transportation Contract With POSCO INTERNATIONAL

    06Successful simultaneous LNG bunkering operation for the first time in the world (SIMOPS)

    12Awarded ‘The 300 Million Dollars Export Tower’

  • 2022

    02A Long-Term Transportation Contract With Exxon Mobil

    12Awarded ‘The 70 Million Dollar Export Tower’

  • 2021

    12Awarded ‘the 70 Million Dollar Export Tower’, ‘the Service Tower’ on the 58th Trade Day

    07a long-term transportation contract with Vitol (1 174K LNG carrier)

    04a long-term transportation contract with Rio Tinto (up to 6 LNG fuelled 208K Newcastlemax)

  • 2020

    07a long-term transportation contract with Vale (5 325K VLOC)​

  • 2019

    09a long-term transportation contract with Vitol (2 174K LNG carriers)

    07a new shipbuilding contract for LNG fuelled ships (the Glovis long-term transportation contract for 2 180K cape sized ships)

  • 2018

    12an additional long-term transportation contract with Vale (6 208K Newcastlemax)

    10a new shipbuilding contract for the world’s first large LNG fuelled ships (the POSCO long-term transportation contract for 2 180K cape sized ships)

  • 2017

    09a long-term transportation contract with Vale (2 325K VLOC)

    02Internalized LNG Carrier Ship management

  • 2016

    03the takeover contract for the dedicated carrier business of HYUNDAI MERCHANT MARINE co., Ltd​

    01Internalized the bulk carrier ship management

  • 2014

    06Changed The Company Name : H-LINE SHIPPING CO., LTD

    01Established Korea Bulk Shipping Co., Ltd​