Financial Information

  • Total Assets

    Unit : Million won

    • 2,679,452 2019
    • 3,395,544 2020
    • 4,086,409 2021
    • 5,333,710 2022
    • 5,694,692 2023
  • Sales

    Unit : Million won

    • 719,028 2019
    • 700,551 2020
    • 914,200 2021
    • 1,317,688 2022
    • 1,093,279 2023
  • Operating Profits

    Unit : Million won

    • 186,896 2019
    • 185,888 2020
    • 221,074 2021
    • 326,355 2022
    • 265,002 2023
  • Net Income

    Unit : Million won

    • 128,329 2019
    • 108,422 2020
    • 138,788 2021
    • 214,000 2022
    • 183,032 2023
  • Rate of Operating Profits

    Unit : %

    • 25.9% 2019
    • 26.5% 2020
    • 24.2% 2021
    • 24.8% 2022
    • 24.2 2023

Consolidated Financial Statements

(Unit : Million won)

Account 2023
Current Assets 576,415
Non-current Assets 5,118,277
Total Assets 5,694,692
Current Liabilities 793,266
Non-current Liabilities 3,165,204
Total Liabilities 3,958,470
Capital Stock 52,631
Other Paid-in Capital 577,965
Other Capital Components 395,914
Earned Surplus 709,711
Total Capital 1,736,222
Total Liabilities and Capital 5,694,692

Statement of Comprehensive Income​

H-LINE Shipping Co., Ltd and its Subsidiaries​
(Unit: Million won)

Account 2023
Sales 1,093,279
Cost of Sales 808,197
Gross Margin 285,081
Selling and Administrative Expenses 20,078
Operating Profits 265,002
Financial Gain and Loss 166,075
Other Non-operating Profits and Losses 86,391
Earnings Before Tax 185,314
Corporation Tax 2,282
Net Income 183,032
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) 46,486
Total Comprehensive Income (Loss) 136,545
Earnings per Share

Statement of Cash Flows​

H-LINE Shipping Co., Ltd and its Subsidiaries​
(Unit: Million won)​

Account 2023
Cash Flows from Operating Activities 208,554
Cash Flows from Investing Activities 211,675
Cash Flows from Financing Activities 118,384
Increase and Decrease in Cash and Cashable Assets (I+II+III) 115,262
Cash and Cashable Assets at the beginning 121,090
Effects of Exchange Fluctuations 1,031
Cash and Cashable Assets at the end 235,322

Consolidated Financial Statements

(Unit : Million won)

Account 2022
Current Assets 435,198
Non-current Assets 4,898,511
Total Assets 5,333,710
Current Liabilities 691,160
Non-current Liabilities 2,963,873
Total Liabilities 3,655,033
Capital Stock 52,631
Other Paid-in Capital 577,965
Other Capital Components 441,118
Earned Surplus 606,961
Total Capital 1,678,676
Total Liabilities and Capital 5,333,710

Statement of Comprehensive Income​

H-LINE Shipping Co., Ltd and its Subsidiaries​
(Unit: Million won)

Account 2022
Sales 1,317,688
Cost of Sales 971,697
Gross Margin 345,991
Selling and Administrative Expenses 19,636
Operating Profits 326,355
Financial Gain and Loss 78,514
Other Non-operating Profits and Losses 32,030
Earnings Before Tax 215,810
Corporation Tax 1,809
Net Income 214,000
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) 400,138
Total Comprehensive Income (Loss) 614,138
Earnings per Share

Statement of Cash Flows​

H-LINE Shipping Co., Ltd and its Subsidiaries​
(Unit: Million won)​

Account 2022
Cash Flows from Operating Activities 298,529
Cash Flows from Investing Activities 679,315
Cash Flows from Financing Activities 354,467
Increase and Decrease in Cash and Cashable Assets (I+II+III) 26,318
Cash and Cashable Assets at the beginning 107,705
Effects of Exchange Fluctuations 39,703
Cash and Cashable Assets at the end 121,090

Consolidated Financial Statements

(Unit : Million won)

Account 2021
Current Assets 347,949
Non-current Assets 3,738,460
Total Assets 4,086,410
Current Liabilities 552,763
Non-current Liabilities 2,555,452
Total Liabilities 3,108,216
Capital Stock 52,632
Other Paid-in Capital 321,371
Other Capital Components 44,842
Earned Surplus 559,350
Total Capital 978,194
Total Liabilities and Capital 4,086,410

Statement of Comprehensive Income​

H-LINE Shipping Co., Ltd and its Subsidiaries​
(Unit: Million won)

Account 2021
Sales 914,200
Cost of Sales 675,016
Gross Margin 239,184
Selling and Administrative Expenses 18,109
Operating Profits 221,075
Financial Gain and Loss -14,483
Other Non-operating Profits and Losses -66,378
Earnings Before Tax 140,213
Corporation Tax 1,425
Net Income 138,788
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) 143,912
Total Comprehensive Income (Loss) 282,700
Earnings per Share

Statement of Cash Flows​

H-LINE Shipping Co., Ltd and its Subsidiaries​
(Unit: Million won)​

Account 2021
Cash Flows from Operating Activities 272,345
Cash Flows from Investing Activities -588,752
Cash Flows from Financing Activities 303,948
Increase and Decrease in Cash and Cashable Assets (I+II+III) -12,460
Cash and Cashable Assets at the beginning 112,858
Effects of Exchange Fluctuations 7,035
Cash and Cashable Assets at the end 107,434

Consolidated Financial Statements

(Unit : Million won)

Account 2020
Current Assets 319,673
Non-current Assets 3,075,871
Total Assets 3,395,544
Current Liabilities 503,955
Non-current Liabilities 2,196,095
Total Liabilities 2,700,050
Capital Stock 52,631
Other Paid-in Capital 321,370
Other Capital Components 99,153
Earned Surplus 420,645
Total Capital 695,493
Total Liabilities and Capital 3,395,544

Statement of Comprehensive Income​

H-LINE Shipping Co., Ltd and its Subsidiaries​
(Unit: Million won)

Account 2020
Sales 700,551
Cost of Sales 498,080
Gross Margin 202,470
Selling and Administrative Expenses 16,581
Operating Profits 185,888
Financial Gain and Loss -113,572
Other Non-operating Profits and Losses 37,295
Earnings Before Tax 109,611
Corporation Tax 1,189
Net Income 108,422
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) -125,872
Total Comprehensive Income (Loss) -17,450
Earnings per Share

Statement of Cash Flows​

H-LINE Shipping Co., Ltd and its Subsidiaries​
(Unit: Million won)​

Account 2020
Cash Flows from Operating Activities 233,343
Cash Flows from Investing Activities -890,363
Cash Flows from Financing Activities 686,415
Increase and Decrease in Cash and Cashable Assets (I+II+III) 29,395
Cash and Cashable Assets at the beginning 86,634
Effects of Exchange Fluctuations -3,172
Cash and Cashable Assets at the end 112,858